Each app received through the Developer Console is reviewed by our team of editors, who have complete power to decide whether an app will be published or not based on our own publication criteria. Likewise, and although a first-come, first-served basis is applied, we may decide to delay or speed up the publication time depending on our own editorial interests. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee a specific publication date.
We also create unique material like reviews, screenshots, and videos to accompany the downloaded app. However, we have no commitment to make such material, as our catalog and marketing teams decide what editorial content to create according to their own internal criteria.
In addition, our localization team may translate all the extra content into other languages supported by Uptodown, but it also depends on the department's internal criteria.
Publishing apps on Uptodown is a free service, and we make the utmost effort to answer all publishing requests in the shortest amount of time. We also offer our editorial and localization services to as many of them as possible through the Developer Console.