Uptodown gives you the possibility of downloading previous versions of available apps. This action can be performed from both our official app and web version.
Option A - Downloading it from Uptodown.com
- From Uptodown.com, go to the download page of the app you’re looking for. Under the blue Latest Version button, you’ll find the Older versions option. Note: This button may not be available for apps that don’t offer previous versions.
- Choose the specific version you want to use from the available options.
- Tap on the green Download button.
- Before proceeding with the installation, manually uninstall the current version of the app installed on the device. Note: Be sure to make backup copies of the information associated with it.
- Install the previous version of the downloaded app as usual.
Option B - Using our official app (rollback)
In addition to allowing the download of previous releases, our official app also enables rollback from a version already installed on the device easily. Here's how:
- From our official Uptodown App Store app, you can select the Rollback option in the left side menu when you tap on the menu icon in the screen's upper left corner.
Select the app from the list that you want to revert.
- Choose the specific version that you want to use from the available options.
- Once it’s downloaded, you’ll receive a notification informing you that, in order to install the previous version, you must first uninstall the existing one. When you accept, you’ll be asked again if you want to uninstall the previous app and start installing the one you’ve selected.