Uptodown distributes Android apps packaged in APK format. This format, inherited from the JAR format used by Java, is a standard that includes all the files needed to proceed with the installation of an app on any device. You can download this type of files from our official app or use our website on any web browser.
When you first download an APK file from a browser on your device, the Android operating system will ask you if you allow it. Depending on the manufacturer or the installed personalization layer, a slightly different warning message will appear. In any case, you can simply accept it. If you use our official app, you will also have to allow it to download applications, which can be done from the Security/Apps menu of the Settings dashboard.
Google, as the owner of the Android operating system, displays this message to warn the users when they intend to download apps outside its marketplace, which does not at all mean that this poses a higher risk in all cases. All Uptodown files are checked by our team of editors and scanned by the VirusTotal service with more than 70 antiviruses. In fact, we consider ourselves safe or even safer than other marketplaces.